pen fight

queer & feminist zines, books, art, DIY & tiny press.

Confined – Lockdown Comic Diaries


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Issue 1: A5 / 44pg / b&w / Brussels (in English)

Covid-19 lockdown diary comic zine part 1. This zine talks about what the lockdown was like and things Nina did while the situation evolved. Mentions little adventures like going to the copy shop, eating fries, and guerrilla gardening. It even includes a playlist and a lockdown bingo sheet!

Issue 2: A5 / 44pg / b&w / Brussels (in English)

Covid-19 lockdown diary comic zine part 2. This issue continues the story of Confined #1 and mentions rehearsing with her bands Lavender Witch and Vagina Dentata, spending time with friends, anti-racist and anti-colonial protests, zine mail, listening to music, and more. As in #1, Chainsaw Bunny has a starring role. Includes a lockdown-themed playlist and lasagna recipe.

Confined – Lockdown Comic Diaries
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