Here’s a list of zine and DIY events coming up in the UK.
If you’re hosting or know of an event we should feature here, please contact us and we’ll add it!
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UK and Ireland Zine Librarians invite you to our 2nd annual meetup in London at Tate Britain.
Our London meet up is a chance to meet other zine librarians and chat about collecting, cataloguing, storing, and providing access to zines.
This will be an informal meetup and in the weeks leading up we’ll start to gather a list of possible topics for discusison via JISC discussions list:
UK and Ireland Zine Librarians meetup is open to anyone working with zine collections regardless of qualification, job title, professional status, or type of zine collection
We’ll be meeting at the Manton Studio at Tate Britain from 1pm which is to the left of the ticket desk at the Manton entrance.