pen fight

queer & feminist zines, books, art, DIY & tiny press.

She Shreds – Issue 17


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ISSUE 17 / APRIL 2019

Featuring: Fanny / Scene Report: Calgary / In The Pink: Leila Sidi and TunaTone Guitars / Use The Mic: Speaking Up About Plastic Waste Reduction / A Seat At The Table: The Women in Higher Guitar Education / Tawiah / Ex Hex / Nilüfer Yanya / Sasami / Up To Speed: Exercises for Fast Playing / Sound Control: Tanukichan / AND MORE.

She Shreds Magazine is the world’s only print publication dedicated to women guitarists and bassists. They strive to change the way women guitarists and bassists are depicted and presented in the music industry and popular culture by creating a platform where people can listen, see and experience what it means to be a woman who shreds. Their goal is to transcend boundaries like gender and genre—supporting radicalism, respect and revolution.

She Shreds – Issue 17
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