Here’s a list of zine and DIY events coming up in the UK.
If you’re hosting or know of an event we should feature here, please contact us and we’ll add it!
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Tickets: £20
In partnership with Unseen Photo Fair, we are pleased to present a two-day workshop delivered by Paul van Mameren (Managing Director, Lecturis). Participants will learn how to make their own experimental zine with a theme of their choosing.
Day one: Paul will introduce Lecturis’ work to participants, and provide a brief history of the Dutch photobook. The morning will also focus on sharing examples of good practice using existing imagery and formats, followed by experimentation with your own images and narrative ideas.
Day two: we will spend most of the day compiling the participants’ own photographic and narrative elements together. In the afternoon we will have a sharing/ feedback event, followed by some next steps to help you continue to produce and distribute your own work.