Here’s a list of zine and DIY events coming up in the UK.
If you’re hosting or know of an event we should feature here, please contact us and we’ll add it!
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The workshop will teach people how to make a small eight-page A7 zine, which can be folded out to display a large two-colour screenprinted A4 poster based on a number of preset designs. Participant will choose from a selection of papers, print a poster onto one side, then fold and cut the poster so that it can be folded down into a zine, the topic of which can be anything they want. By the end of the workshop, participants will have a good beginner’s knowledge on what goes into screenprinting and its advantages and disadvantages, as well as a one-off unique zine/poster which they can take home and display.
Who is it suitable for – ages 16-25 years