pen fight

queer & feminist zines, books, art, DIY & tiny press.

Protected: Staying Home: prompts for zine and other art making (PDF)

Protected: Staying Home: prompts for zine and other art making (PDF)
Protected: Staying Home: prompts for zine and other art making (PDF)

This downloadable is available for all monthly Ko-Fi members.

Prompt zine about staying at home! This one is twice as long as past prompt zines so there’s plenty to keep you occupied and get you zine or art making.

Made with current pandemic in mind, but also has broader prompts for other times people may need to stay inside – such as through disability or chronic illness, isolation, or imprisonment.  Plus a section of prompts for when you just want to think about something else.

Double sided printable. Cut it in half and fold!

You may reproduce this zine for non-profit purposes only.

Please note accessible versions of this zine will be coming in the future.

Protected: Staying Home: prompts for zine and other art making (PDF)
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